Freelancing Course in Sylhet

Best Freelancing Course in Sylhet

Sylhet is rapidly moving forward in this revolutionary age of the internet. To keep pace with time, different institutes are delivering courses on various IT sectors. Those days are fading when you have to take headaches for conventional office jobs. Because nowadays you can earn money online at the comfort of your home. No, seriously people are finding their career and settling their future through this way. And it is commonly known as freelancing. For this, you need expertise in specific fields and you can get them from different IT institutes. Here, we will discuss some of the notable freelancing courses that you can find in Sylhet and exclusively in Times IT.


Well, you will commonly get these courses or more. However, during the time I write, these are on the hype and people are swarming over them like bees. So, in the future, if any new exciting course comes up, I will add them too. Till then, let’s have a look at them.

Graphic Design

Graphics Design is the most booming freelancing course of recent times. If one has a better skill can build up a solid career and set a beautiful future ahead.

Graphic designing is a way to create visual content for your targeted audience. You can also consider it as a communication medium for some audiences. This is a course that targets the fundamental principle of design, such as typography, pattern, motion, rhythm, contrast, and balance, audience culture, etc.

Graphic design makes a project more interesting and engaging to the people. In this field, you will find the amalgamation of technology and aesthetics. So, if you are a creative person who enjoys arts and has great communication skills, then graphics designing is for you. This course is beneficial for almost all industries nowadays. So, you can see how vast the opportunities are for a graphic designer. 

Digital Marketing

More or less, we all use social media and search engines. It has become a part of our daily life. In earlier days, we used to get news, promotions, and advertisement through the newspaper, billboard, magazines, and TV, etc. But now social media and search engines play a key role in mass media. You can do marketing and branding of your products, services, company, or any institution, etc. through online video, display ads, paid social ads, search engine marketing, and social media posts, etc. This method is known as digital marketing. If I say formally, then digital marketing is the type of marketing that utilizes electronic devices to deliver a promotional campaign to the customers. You can promote your brand in UK, USA, or Canada or in any place on the face of this planet by sitting at your home. It has a great scope of targeting particular customers to achieve better profits in your business.

So, nowadays both small and big companies are hiring digital marketers to promote their services and products to the customer online. Successful digital marketing can bring a huge fortune to the company. In return, a digital marketer will get a handsome price. Hence, people are more inclined to learn digital marketing in recent times. Especially, our youth if I ticked the statistic correctly.

Motion Graphics

Suppose you want to bring life to a static photo. What would you do? Here, you can use motion graphics. Yes, motion graphics work with animation or digital footage to generate motion or rotation in your picture. You can also add audio to bring fun and engagement to your multimedia projects. This type of work is showcased through electronic media technology. Your work as a motion graphics designer is to create artwork for the website, television, or film. So, you might be acquainted with visual effects, animation, and other cinematic techniques to bring soul to your creations. 

Affiliate Marketing

Have you noticed annoying ads popping up when you are reading your favorite blog or watching videos? I am sure you must have if you use the internet frequently. So, these ads are based on your search and choices. And if you click on it or buy something online then the retailer will pay commission to that website or YouTube channel for traffic or sales that occurred due to the recommendation. It gives you a sort of passive income or online revenue. I would say, it is immensely beneficial for both brands and affiliate marketers. So, if you want some income source like this, you should definitely learn affiliate marketing.

UI/UX Design

Now, here’s the new concept kicks in, UI and UX. Have you heard the term “User Experience (UX)” and “User Interface (UI)”? Well, these are not common for normal people unless you are using app or web design software.


Basically, UI is an interface where interaction between humans and machine takes place. Here, you productively operate a machine to do a task for you or to attain a certain objective. Let’s give a classic example of downloading the Food Panda app or reading this website page, etc. UI is composed of input and output hardware. So, input hardware is a device that allows humans to control the machine. Such as a keyboard, mouse, pen drive, or joystick. Where output hardware includes devices that give information to the user through the laptop screen, printers, or audio speakers, etc. Input and Output devices operate together to allow the user to completely control the machine. In today’s era, there are mostly three notable interfaces such as command-line interface, graphical user interface, and voice-based interfaces. Let’s have a brief look at them.

Command Line Interface: It formats commands to a computer program through a series of lines of text. The interaction was linear, where the user only type a command and, in the output, the machine used to display a message on the screen. It was used during the dawn of the computer era and is considered pretty complex.

Graphical User Interface: Nowadays, it is the most familiar type of UI for digital products. It is also known as GUI, which allows users tointeract with digital material via visual elements. For example, the page that you are reading is a part of GUI. So, when a user communicates with GUI, they will traverse through a series of pages and screens. While these pages or screens (text or comment sections) are comprised of static elements and active elements (buttons, touch, or other interactive controls). The field of GUI has expanded to smartphones, VR headsets, and Car HMIs, etc. have GUI interfaces.

Voice-Based Interface: You must be familiar with the AI of Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. So, these are some voice-based interfaces. They are also known as zero UI because it has no face but a voice to interact between human and a system. It is easy to use and saves time.

Now, comes the most important part in UI design, which is its two techniques. Such as prototyping and simulation. A prototype is created based on the necessity of ideation sessions and interaction specifications. Whereas, simulation is the part where the prototype is tested with people to examine its usability.

So, the prerequisite of a UI design is to have skills like graphic design, visual design, and branding design skills. These will help him to create a tasteful interface.


Now let’s see what is UX or User Experience. When a user interacts with the product and the experience they achieved is User Experience. It embraces all factors of the end-users’ interaction with its services, products, and companies. The main purpose of a UX designer is to generate products that are easy to use and interpret. So, the baseline is to conduct user research to develop a user persona. This helps to target their audience and see their expectations, goals, and limitations. As a result, the designer can create the best design solutions that work for the maximum users.

The foundation of the layout of the user experience is to navigate through the emotions of the user toward the product. It tells how the user will interact with the product, whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral.  This is also known as user journey and has a direct impact on the user experience. So, overall UX is engaged on the user’s journey to sort out a specific issue with the product. Now, to be a good UX designer, you need to focus on the following pyramid of Aarron Walter, in his book Designing for Emotion. It allows you to think creatively and apply better design decisions.

Nowadays, companies hired UX designers for their analytical thinking and good decision-making. Because it will give them a competitive advantage and to grasp more audience. So, UX designers are in higher demand in other countries compared to Sylhet or Bangladesh.

Web Development

I am pretty sure you must have heard the term of Web Development. If not, no worries I will explain it. So, basically, web development is the engineering of a website that includes its structure formation and maintenance. It encompasses some vital matters such as web programming, web design, web publishing, and database management. It has two parts- Front end development and Back end development. The user directly interacts with the frontend part of a website hence, it is called “client-side”. It requires you to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, etc.

Whereas backend is the backside or server part of the website. Well, a normal user can’t interact with this part. It is mostly hidden and used to store and arrange data. So, for backend, you should know PHP, Java, Python, Node.js, and other Back End Frameworks.

Many big companies and brands in our country are stepping out of the Stone Age to bring something new and exciting for the people. And to reach the people, you obviously need a well-developed website. So, you can understand, they need good web developers. While they are ready to give you a handsome price.

Web Design

Web design is the layout and structure creation of your website. A web designer will plan, code, and create your internet sites and web pages. For this, they might include pictures, motion graphics, video clips, text, and sound, etc. Hence, it is comprised of different sets of skills and disciplines in the generation and maintenance of a website. The sign of a good web design is the easy-to-use feature, creative appearance, and best suited to the targeted audience and the website brand. From a career point of view, web design is an excellent way to start a career in the IT industry. According to statistics, the employment of web designers will grow 13% from 2020 to 2030. Their demand will increase with the new technological advancement.

App Development

Obviously, you know what are apps. All the games on your smartphone, the Facebook app you are using, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and all the other applications you are using came from the app development sector. Hence, app development is the procedure of creating a set of programs to conduct various tasks that a company or business needs. Basically, it is programming that will make an app perform stuff that you need. Suppose, Bkash app is for sending and receiving money. So, if a person or an agency or a company develops app can earn a huge amount of cash. Some even may get a royalty income.


So, these are the most available Freelancing Courses in Sylhet. You could one or two more. However, the demands of these sectors are huge. So, try to find the one which matches your passion and talent. As a result, you can successfully land a career on the internet.

We wish you good luck with that. 

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